
Star Wars: Battlefront (Review)

Star Wars Battlefront is a game reminiscent of the era before multiplayer games became weighed down by extraneous features and superfluous content. While it lacks a lot of the gilding we’ve come to expect from competitive shooters, this focus on the core experience had paid off in spades. Star Wars: Battlefront gives us something of a paradox. On one level it’s a slight disappointment; a facile take on the multiplayer shooter that’s fairly derivative and has no meaningful single-player content. It’s spectacular, cinematic and great fun to play, but it’s really only the license that makes it a contender against Halo 5 or Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. On the other hand, what a license, what material and what fantastic use DICE has made of it in this game. If you love Star Wars you’re going to love Star Wars: Battlefront. You might not love it for months on end, but you’ll find the idea of going without it unimaginable. watch the complete video review by gamespot below With experts from (

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